Full name: KATIS – Catalogue of continuing education and training programmes

Access: available at https://paka3.mss.edus.si/katis/Uvodna.aspx. The website is managed by the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education publishes the catalogue in order to enable professionals in education to exercise their right to education and the related right to promotion to a title, as regulated by the Act on the Organisation and Financing of Education, the Collective Agreement for Education and Training, the Regulations on the Selection and Co-financing of Further Education and Training Programmes and the Regulations on the Promotion of Employees in Education and Training to Titles.

The catalogue also contains training programmes for employees of higher vocational schools.


1) BEING A TEACHER IN DIGITAL TIME, duration 16 hours, distance learning 2 October 2023 – 13 October 2023, lecturer Martina Omerzel, registration fee 80 EUR

The target group of the programme is all employees in education who want to empower themselves with approaches and methods for coping with stress at work. The programme is meaningful for all those who want to improve their communication skills and strengthen their internal resources of stability and compassion.

Programme content:

  • Stress in education and training staff,
  • Coaching,
  • empathy,
  • Communication,
  • use of modern technologies,
  • teamwork,
  • working with the gifted.

2) CREATIVE WRITING FOR GREATER MEDIA RECOGNITION OF THE INSTITUTION, duration 8 hours, 21.11. 2023, lecturer Špela Kumer, registration fee 35 EUR

The target group of the programme is all employees in education who are responsible for active promotion of the institution, school, faculty or presentation of individual results. The programme is relevant for all those involved in projects that require active promotion and dissemination of results.

Programme content:

  • Media in Slovenia and their characteristics,
  • creative writing techniques and the preparation of content for the media

In the first part of the course, we will get to know the media landscape in Slovenia, identify the characteristics of the media and explore what each media outlet needs in order to be able to publish the message we have conveyed to it. We will learn about the software tools that can be used to provide each media outlet with all the material it needs.

In the second part, we will look at our content, how to create a text that is relevant to the media, interesting and suitable for publication. We will learn about creative writing techniques that will help us in our future work. We will put all the knowledge we have gained into practice and test what we have learnt by simulating the project output.

16 hours distance learning, 4 teaching hours per meeting, lecturer Martina Omerzel, registration fee EUR 80

Schedule of meetings:

  • 15 November 2023 at 14.00
  • 16 November 2023 at 14.00
  • 21 November 2023 at 14.00
  • 20 November 2023 at 14.00

The target group of the programme is all educational staff who want to learn about the pitfalls of modern technology and the impact of social networks on young people, and to learn about methods and techniques to identify young people’s dependence on them.

Programme content:

  • Mobile device dependence,
  • the impact of early use of mobile devices on child development,
  • the impact of TV (advertising, films, series, news?…),
  • the impact of social networks – Facebook, Instagram, Tic Stream, Snapchat..,
  • Mediation,
  • emotional intelligence,
  • workshop facilitation,
  • mobile phone as a learning tool,
  • teamwork.

4) DISTANCE WORKING INSTRUCTIONS, 16 hours distance learning, 9.1.2024 – 16.1.2024, lecturer MSc. Matej Veber, registration fee EUR 95

The target group is employees in education who are interested in enriching teaching/lectures with modern technologies in order to achieve motivation and higher learning objectives in education.

Programme content:

  • shooting and editing of educational videos using
  • Da Vinci Resolve software tools.
  • production of video guides
  • use of the OBS Studio software tool,
  • uploading lectures to the Youtube platform,
  • learning about different tools for remote working,
  • using a smartphone for teleworking,
  • using a DSLR camera for teleworking,
  • how to deliver effective online lectures,
  • making an interactive video,
  • creating a profile picture,
  • creating infographics.

5) CYBERSPACE  PHYSICAL SYSTEMS IN CONTEMPORARY EDICATION, 16 hours distance learning, 12 February 2024 – 22 February 2024, lecturer mag. Matej Veber, registration fee 95 EUR

The target group is employees in education and training who wish to train, acquire and upgrade relevant competences for higher quality of educational work and personal career development in the field of modern technologies and cyber-physical systems in education.

Programme content:

  • Digitalisation and artificial intelligence in everyday life and education,
  • Integration of modern technologies in education,
  • the impact of modern technologies on learners,
  • Future education,
  • virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality technologies,
  • demonstration of different software tools for the use of VR technologies in education,
  • video, 360 VR video and interactive video,
  • how to prepare a modern and engaging lesson,
  • VR micro-training.